Wednesday 30 May 2012

Preventing and treating the appearance of roundworms in your puppy

No matter how reputable the breeder or rescue organization you visit, there's a very good chance that your new puppy will develop a case of roundworms during the first few months of his life. Encountering this problem may be a bit frightening at first, but it is something that nearly all puppies will deal with during their young lives, according to Understanding where these worms come from and how to treat them will be an important way to ensure dog wellness as he grows up.

Roundworms are typically spread through feces, since puppies are less likely to be as intense about their hygiene as adult canines. They can also receive these parasites through their mother's milk, or from the environment in dog parks and other outdoor areas. Because roundworm eggs can be extremely resilient and last for years in the soil, there's a very good chance he can contract the parasites. While dogs will gradually build up an immunity to roundworms throughout their life, they can be a significant problem for a puppy's developing immune system. If the problem is left unchecked, it can cause a series of digestive problems, weight loss and lethargy.

One of the best ways to prevent the contraction of these worms is by being vigilant about picking up dog droppings in your yard. Keeping a clean environment is one of the best ways to protect your pooch from a variety of illnesses, and it's simply a no-brainer to make your yard a habitable place. You should also keep a close eye on your puppy when you visit a dog park or another public area and keep him away from any dog droppings.

If your furry friend does happen to develop these worms, consider using Hartz UltraGuard Plus Rid Worm™ for Puppies and Small Dogs. These chewable tablets are for use on puppies two weeks and older and are extremely effective in removing roundworms and hookworms, as well as preventing them from coming back.

Once your puppy matures and goes onto regular heartworm medication, many of these treatments will become unnecessary, but it's still a concern to be mindful of during your dog's first year. Thankfully, there are many steps you can take to avoid this potential problem so you can get back to enjoying quality time with your new companion.

To get detailed information on every Hartz flea & tick control products, visit

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