Thursday 30 June 2011

Hartz Flea & Tick Control for Effective Elimination of Cats Fleas

Finding the most effective treatment for getting rid of fleas and ticks pestering your cat is perhaps the most odious task that all cat lovers have to do. After all, it is not easy to remove these pesky bugs and keep them away for they always manage to find their way back in your cat’s fur. Good news is that there are several Hartz Flea & Tick control products specifically for cats which help you in your battle against the flea infestation.

I sincerely hope you are not one of those people who feel that they can handle the health issues of their pets on their own and don’t consider consulting a vet necessary. A veterinary doctor has the right qualification and experience to suggest you the most appropriate treatment plan, keeping in view the general health of your cat and severity of the problem. Your cat is not just any other animal; it is only one of its kinds. So let a decent and reliable vet help you chalk out the best flea treatment for your cat. The treatment plan for your cat is determined by three things – their age, weight and overall health of your cat.

Hartz flea & tick shampoo is a highly recommended way of getting rid of fleas from your feline friend. But giving a cat a bath is easier said than done. If you can manage to your cat bath once every 30 days then you have half the battle won. However, you need to stick to this routine to ensure that your pet remain flea free.

Other short-term solutions for effective flea removal include powders and sprays that are more convenient to use. These products kill the fleas and their eggs and the effect of this treatment lasts for about 7 days. Hartz flea & tick carpet powder can kill the flea eggs and larvae from your carpet and furnishings without harming it in any way.

You may be aware about the efficacy of cat collars in getting rid of fleas from cats and houses. It emits a toxic gas that kills fleas. If you put it in dust bag of your vacuum cleaner then it quickly kills all eggs that your hover picks up. While the toxic gas successfully eliminates fleas from the head and neck areas of your cat, the method is usually not recommended for outdoor cats.

Hartz is a premium brand of pet care products which has been catering to pets includes dogs, cats, parrots, finches, goldfish, tropical fish, reptiles, chinchillas, guinea pigs, hamsters and rabbits etc. for over 80 years. Hartz Flea & Tick control treatments happens to be amongst the most popular creations of this 1,500 products strong Company.

To know more about the Hartz flea & tick and check out their entire range , log on to

Friday 24 June 2011

Relinquish Fleas and Ticks with Hartz Flea and Tick Control Products

Winning the war against fleas and ticks requires preparation and research. These nasty creatures not only live off their host by sucking their blood day in and day out but also act as carriers of deadly diseases and parasites such as tapeworms. The itchy whelps they leave behind on the skin of their host are both unsightly and nuisance. Don’t for a moment believe, that they are threat to only your cats, dogs, or hamsters, these little beasts can easily choose you for their next ride.

How you make sure that your pets and your home are free from parasites is entirely up to you. But you are not alone in your crusade against these tiny brutes as Hartz flea & tick prevention products help you to eliminate them and keep away for good.
There is nothing to be embarrassed about if your home gets infested with fleas.

While it is not a reflection on the cleanliness of your home, remedying the problem may require you to take action on several fronts. Along with treating your pets with various Hartz Flea & Tick control products like Hartz Flea & Tick Shampoo, Hartz Flea & Tick Collars and Hartz Flea & Tick Drops etc. you should thoroughly vacuum your home and burn the bag afterwards. Hartz Flea & Tick Carpet Powder would help you to eliminate any remaining flea eggs and prevent fleas from returning. Don’t forget to wash any bedding your pet lays on, including your own bed if it is in the habit of snuggling with you.

Treat your yard while you're at it, if you want your efforts to be truly fruitful. If they are out there, they will find a way to ride in. If you are trying to deal with a really bad infestation, it may take several treatments at one go and several repetitions before you can be sure that you have wiped out the buggers completely.

Hartz is a premium brand of pet care products which has been catering to pets includes dogs, cats, parrots, finches, goldfish, tropical fish, reptiles, chinchillas, guinea pigs, hamsters and rabbits etc. for over 80 years. Hartz flea & tick control treatments happens to be amongst the most popular creations of this 1,500 products strong Company.

To know more about the, Hartz flea & tick products and check out their entire range, log on to

Monday 20 June 2011

Flea Free Feline with Hartz Flea & Tick Control Products

There is no truth in the belief that cats enjoy scratching themselves. They do it when they are itchy because of tiny insects that make home in their dense coat. Fleas and ticks are such parasites that live off your cat's blood and breed underneath their soft fur. Much to the consternation of the cat owners, most household cats are host of these fleas and pests. Although fleas and ticks attack other pets like dogs and rabbits with equal gusto, they love the soft bodies of cats and thrive on their blood.

First obvious sign of presence of fleas is that your cat will frequently scratch and bite as they feel irritated by flea bite. While the bite itself is not much painful it’s the saliva of the flea that causes allergic reaction. Flea infestation in cats not only makes them grumpy due to constant irritation but their fur starts to drop as well due to allergy and excessive scratching. That’s not all your feline friend would become skinny and remain constantly tired due to blood loss. If left untreated for long, flea infestation may cause anaemia in kittens and affect their growth adversely. Dermatitis, flea allergy, is often precursor of more serious skin problems and did I mention that fleas are carriers of deadly parasites such as tapeworm?

Eliminating fleas from your cat’s body is never an easy task as they are very sensitive to chemicals used in pesticides. However, Hartz flea & tick control products made specifically for cats help you get rid of these pesky bugs without causing any adverse side effects on your cat.

Hartz Flea collar is most preferred flea removal product by cat lovers as it effectively kills fleas around neck and head region. Completely waterproof, the collar remains effective for up to 7 months. There are separate collars for adult cats and kittens under 12 months so make sure you buy the right collar according to your cat’s age.
Hartz flea & tick shampoo is another popular product that efficiently exterminates the fleas and keeps them from returning for next 30 days. Just make sure that you use the shampoo regularly even when there are no fleas so that your cat remains flea free.

Hartz is a premium brand of pet care products which has been catering to pets includes dogs, cats, parrots, finches, goldfish, tropical fish, reptiles, chinchillas, guinea pigs, hamsters and rabbits etc. for over 80 years. Flea & Tick control treatments including Hartz Flea drops happens to be amongst the most popular creations of this 1,500 products strong Company.

To know more about the Hartzflea & tick control products and check out their entire range, log on to

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Keep Fleas at Bay and Your Cat Healthy with World Class Tick & Flea Control Products from Hartz

Most of us keep pets as we believe that they are not only good for emotional development of our kids but also to give us genuine companionship when we have no one else to count on. But it’s our duty to make sure that the pets are taken care of in the best possible way. The biggest threat to your pet’s health comes from ticks and fleas and not only feed on their blood but may also cause diseases like dermatitis and tapeworms. Along with putting your pet’s health in jeopardy, these pesky bugs can also put your life in danger as you can easily catch infection while you play with them or when the pet invites itself on furniture or your bed. In order to keep your pets clean and healthy you need to use pet care products manufactured by a reputable company like Hartz.

Hartz is one of the top companies that manufacture pet care products that help you keep your cat healthy and free from pests such as fleas and ticks. It’s advisable that you use Hartz flea & tick control products right from the day you get a cat for your home. Hartz® UltraGuard Plus™ Flea & Tick Collar for Cats and Kittens is specially developed to eliminate and prevents both fleas and ticks up to 7 months. As its water resistant it stay on the skin of the cat and kills the flea eggs for up to 7 months thus making the chances of re-infestation remote. This should be used only on the kitten 12 weeks and older.

Hartz flea & tick Home Fogger is a very effective way of eliminating and preventing fleas, ticks, flea eggs, larvae and mosquitoes for up to 7 months. Hartz® UltraGuard OneSpot® Treatment for Cat and Kittens is one of their most sought after products when it comes to controlling tick and fleas. It is a monthly treatment that kills even flea eggs and larvae for up to 30 days.

Hartz is a premium brand of pet care products which has been catering to pets includes dogs, cats, parrots, finches, goldfish, tropical fish, reptiles, chinchillas, guinea pigs, hamsters and rabbits etc. for over 80 years. Hartz Flea & Tick Control products of 1,500 products strong Company are effective as well as popular.

To know more about the Hartz flea & tick control prodcuts and check out their entire range, log on to

Friday 10 June 2011

Effective Treatment of Flea & Tick with Hartz Products

Fleas are the enemy number one of your pets who brings disease and disaster along with it. If you want to get rid of them for good, you must know them and understand their behaviour and life-cycle. With almost 1500 flea species around the world, no mammal and bird, wild as well as domesticated is free from the threat of these blood sucking buggers. They attack humans and animals as readily as they attack each other. Their numerous hosts and frequent jumping from one to another make them preferred mean of transmitting treacherous pathogenic microorganisms from animals to men and other animals. Under such circumstances it becomes pertinent that we use high quality products like Hartz flea & tick drops or shampoo to kill these pesky bugs.

Fleas are wingless parasites with highly developed legs that allow them to jump high. Their hard bodies are usually brown in colour and flattened at sides which make their movement among hair and feathers easy. Their teeth are bent inwards which help in stinging and sucking the blood of their host. While the bite itself is not very painful but the saliva that they inject in the blood stream can cause a plethora of diseases which include but are not limited to

• Allergic skin inflammation
• Cause tapeworms among dogs, cats and humans.
• Cause anaemia especially among pups and kittens
• Spread viruses of cat leukaemia and other germs

While it is the adult fleas that attack and suck blood of their hosts, it’s the flea eggs that are most difficult to get rid of. Female flea requires fresh blood to start laying eggs which she produces almost 40 a day. Usually the eggs are laid on the skin or the fur of an animal from where they fall and spread everywhere else.

Dark places away from direct sunlight are ideal places for larvae to hatch such as carpets and nook and crannies of your furniture. Hartz flea & tick Carpet powder can effectively destroy the flea eggs and prevent them from hatching. Flea larvae take its nourishment from the faeces of adult fleas. Scratching, or biting its own body areas by your pet is usually the most common tell tale sign of flea infestation which can be found behind the ears, between the paws, head, neck, and the tail area.

Hartz is a premium brand of pet care products which has been catering to pets includes dogs, cats, parrots, finches, goldfish, tropical fish, reptiles, chinchillas, guinea pigs, hamsters and rabbits etc. for over 80 years. Hartz Flea & Tick control treatments happens to be amongst the most popular creations of this 1,500 products strong Company.
To know more about the Hartz flea & tick and check out their entire range of the products, log on to