Saturday 28 May 2011

Hartz Flea And Tick Collar – Best Protection Against Parasite Infestation

It is a well known fact that a flea and tick infection causes great discomfort to your pet dog. Thankfully, dog owners today can choose from amongst a wide variety of products that help them in safeguarding their canine friends against the attack of these small terrors. These products include wide varieties of shampoos and lotions, flea and tick control powders and even medicines. However, it has been observed that the Hartz Flea & Tick Collar is the most effective in keeping your favorite pet safe from the infestation of ticks and fleas.

The Hartz flea & tick collar available in a wide variations and sizes and is quite effective in not only repelling and killing the fleas and ticks but also destroying their eggs. This, besides putting an end to the flea life cycle, also minimizes any chances of re-infestation. Made from high quality material, the flea and tick collars last up to 6 or 7 months and are quite reasonability priced. There are separate collars for adult dogs and puppies below the age of 12 months keeping in view their special needs. In case, the infestation is severe, these collars are used in tandem with other pesticides such as flea and tick shampoos, drops and powders for quick, effective and lasting results.

All the flea collars offered by Hartz are water resistant and completely safe while ensuring complete protection of your pet from fleas and ticks and can be easily used for dogs and puppies above the age of 6 weeks. Unlike the other flea control products, which can prove hazardous to the health of people coming in contact with the pets, flea collars are free from all such risks. Moreover, they also do not present any potential risk of infection, rashes or other allergies that might be caused by products that are use directly on skin of the animals. They help in making your canine friend’s life much healthier and cleaner.

Hartz is a premium brand of pet care products which has been catering to pets includes dogs, cats, parrots, finches, goldfish, tropical fish, reptiles, chinchillas, guinea pigs, hamsters and rabbits etc. for over 80 years. Hartz flea & tick control treatments happens to be amongst the most popular creations of this 1,500 products strong Company.

To know more about the Hartz flea & tick collar and check out their entire range, log on to

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Hartz Flea & Tick Control Products – Are They Truly Harmful For Pets

It is not uncommon for pet owners to choose the best products they can afford for their pets especially if the products are related to the health and well being of their furry friends. People, who do not have any prior experience of owning a pet, generally seek the advice of their friends and acquaintances about the products that can prove most beneficial for their pets specifically in terms of flea control. Many times they are misled into purchasing an inappropriate or an extremely expensive product which may not truly effective. On the other hand they ignore the tried and tested genuine pet care products just because their friends believed the adverse publicity floated by their competitors. Unfortunately, many pet owners have been made to believe that the Hartz Flea & Tick control products are not only least effective but in certain cases even harmful for the pets.

Contrary to the numerous false rumors that are flooding the markets about these products, Hartz flea & tick control products are not only 100% safe but also most effective with minimum side effects. Developed after long years of research and investigation, these products are aimed at protecting the pets from the menace of fleas and ticks without causing any damage to either their skin or their fur.

Hartz has been involved in the manufacturing pet care products for many years and has considerable expertise and knowledge about the various issues that can trouble the animals. Their vast experience enables them to provide products that have successfully stood the test of times and have been satisfactorily used by more than one generation of pet owners. Far from being harmful, their flea control products add radiance and glow to the coat of the pets besides providing instant relief from various troubles caused by flea infestation. Your pet not only stops scratching and biting itself right away but aloe extract present in the formula soothe the rashes and speed up the healing.

Hartz is a premium brand of pet care products which has been catering to pets includes dogs, cats, parrots, finches, goldfish, tropical fish, reptiles, chinchillas, guinea pigs, hamsters and rabbits etc. for over 80 years. Hartz flea & tick control treatments happens to be amongst the most popular creations of this 1,500 products strong Company.

To know more about the Hartz flea & tick products and check out their entire range, log on to

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Why Hartz Flea & Tick Shampoo is the Best Way to Control Your Dog’s Fleas and Ticks?

If you have just gifted a pup to your daughter on her birthday its quite natural that you have a lot of questions about various aspects of dog care. Since ticks and fleas not only affect the pets but also people with whom dog shares space, concerns regarding these pests top the list. Here are some common queries that a dog owner wants to know:

How do Pets get infected with fleas and ticks?

Coming in contact with other flea infected animal is the most common way that pets get fleas. If a stray dog or cat wanders into the locality that your pet frequents then there are chances that it will pick the pests or their eggs, unwittingly. Since dogs tend to bound through high grass or fool around in woods, the ticks waiting in ambush on these plants lodge themselves on your pooch. These ticks can survive for a long time without feeding till they find a live host.

Do fleas and ticks cause illness in pets?

Let’s face the fact that fleas and ticks are parasites that harm your dog to no end. The saliva of these pests that get injected into the skin of the dog while feeding may cause allergic reactions. Flea allergy is perhaps the most common skin disorder among dogs and can make them extremely uncomfortable. While constant biting and scratching can make adult dogs lose their hair, puppies or younger dogs may become anaemic, a life threatening condition if left untreated. Hartz flea & tick dog’s shampoo offers an easy and effective solution to this problem.
Hartz flea & tick dog’s shampoo not only kills fleas and ticks but also kills flea eggs and provides protection against re-infestation. The aloe in the formulation provides relief from itching In addition, this shampoo contains aloe to provide soothing relief to itchy, irritated skin caused by their bites fleas and ticks.

What is the Right time to Use Hartz Flea and Tick dog’s Shampoo?

While fleas and ticks manage to survive year round, they get worst during spring and summer time especially in the warmer areas. To avoid their onslaught, it is best to shampoo your dog at the beginning of spring season with Hartz flea & tick dog’s Shampoo and stick to the routine of shampooing them once a month throughout the summers. But, no matter what time of the year it is, you should shampoo your pet immediately as soon as you notice any signs of flea or tick infestation.

Hartz is a premium brand of pet care products which has been catering to pets includes dogs, cats, parrots, finches, goldfish, tropical fish, reptiles, chinchillas, guinea pigs, hamsters and rabbits etc. for over 80 years. Hartz flea & tick dog shampoo happens to be one of the most popular creation of this 1,500 products strong Company.

To know more about the Hartz and check out their entire range of Hartz flea & tick dog shampoos, log on to